Why we Write This Blog
Posted on September 1, 2022 • 2 minutes • 415 words • Other languages: Deutsch
When we stared dabbling in the idea of maybe some day embarking on this huge adventure of moving to the other side of the globe, we immediately knew we wanted to write a blog about it, mostly to keep everyone at home up to date on our lives.
Keeping our friends and family up to date
Of course our main reason why we are writing this blog is to stay in contact with all of you and to keep you up to date on what we are doing here on the other side of the world and how everything is going. One of the hardest things about this move has definitely been missing friends and family and just being so far away from everyone. We hope that this blog will make it a little easier for us, but also for you. :)
Keeping ourselves accountable for documenting our adventures
Adrian and I love travelling and we love taking pictures and filming with our phones, but also with the camera and our GoPro. But what ends up happening is that we have all this footage and all those pictures and don’t take the time to go through them again. Whenever we do this, it brings us so much joy to reminesce and think about all of our adventures, however we don’t do this regularly. When we went on our road trip along Australia’s West Coast a couple of years ago, I wrote into an electronic travel diary every day. At the end of the trip, we gave this travel diary to both of our mothers and of course also kept a copy for ourselves. It has been such a lovely and cherished memory and I really enjoy reading it every once in a while. So another reason for writing this blog is to keep ourselves honest and to really document this adventure.
Helping anyone who is in a similar situation moving from Germany to Australia
If you are in the process of making this move, there are a million things to think about. We did soooo much googling, research and blog reading beforehand, but most of the blogs were from people who moved from the UK to Australia. There are of course many similarities, but also things that are different, when moving from Germany to Australia. So if you are going through this process at the moment, we really hope this blog helps you wrap your head around all the things that you need to do.